Cassie is so excited for her Match banquet, when she will finally meet the man that she will marry, who is perfect for her in every way. Imagine her surprise when it turns out to be her best friend, Xander! She leaves the banquet full of hope, happy with The Society who has matched her with him and given her something wonderful to look forward to.
But when she gets home to look at the data card that she was given at the banquet with information about her Match, the picture that pops up isn't Xander- but Ky Markham, another boy in her neighborhood. Suddenly, she begins to see Ky in a new light, and The Society suddenly doesn't seem as amazing as she thought it was.
The rest of the adventure you will have to find out yourself, but the series takes you into the edges of society and deals with some incredibly interesting topics in a way that really was, in the time that it was written, foreshadowed societal issues that happened years after the books were written.
Overall, I was impressed with the journey. I cried (not hard, but still..), but not at the ending. I cried at a chapter that is simply a character name with a blank page- as the last two books have rotating chapters between the three main characters. Ky is a perfect romantic hero, troubled backstory with a pure love for Cassia that makes their pairing seem so perfect. My only issue with the romance is that all three characters sort of blended in to each other. They all sounded sort of the same as I read the story, but I liked that the story that moved forward at a pretty decent pace. The story kind of lags in the second book, as Cassie and Ky are separated and looking to come back together, but the third book picks up and works really well as an indictment of governmental control.
I highly recommend the series. It took me about a week to read as I obsessed over Ky and Cassie's love story. I swooned, I cried. 4.5 stars!